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Gameplay pour les Francophones !

I loved this game! Very well made and some good scares! The only issue I had was I was unable to find the blue keycard, but I'm 100% positive I missed it somewhere haha!  Again this was a really scary and fun experience! Your game is the first in the video! Enjoy!

Thank you very much! You did missed it :), but I hope you still had fun. 


I had a blast

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I was so pleasantly surprised how good this game is! And it's not just good it's REALLY GREAT! Had so much fun playing it. It has everything - nice visuals, storyline, spooky element, humor. Thank you, guy! Looking for more stuff from you! 
P.S. Just one thing - as mentioned above, choco is not spawning + they killed me and still waited at the respawn point, so I had to restart the game. Other than that, everything is extremely great! 


Thank you for talking your time playing my little game and making the video! You were awesome :) It means the world to me, when people are left with a good feeling and a smile in them! It is inspiring and makes my want to improve, learn and do more cool stuff, so thank you very much !

the chocolate isnt spawning  so i cant kill them

It's better to just load the game then.


completed the game thank yo

Glad you made it :) I hope you had fun, thanks!

It was very fun aquí está mi gameplay en español amigo :3 

Merry christmas and happy new year

Thanks for playing, Merry Christmas to you too!

LOVED IT! this game had everything! from jumpscares to fighting gnomes!  really enjoyed it!  The graphics are SICK! really got me in the holiday spirit with that ending!  Cheers for  Jivapeira and everyone involved!

Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed and had fun. Merry Christmas!

THIS GAME WAS AWESOME!!! The only thing I would add is more background music, but other than that BRAVO. Love the game and can't wait to see what you make in the future!!!  (2nd Game)

Thanks for playing, you did really good :)  Reason there's no background music is literally due to outbreak going on and I didn't want to put some copyrighted material and get lets players in trouble :)

DUDE!!  This was my favorite out of the three I played!! It really makes me feel like i'm playing as Santa!! THEN THINGS TURN BAD!! It was a really cool game and had a lot of great things in the game!! I loved shooting the gnomes/elfs in this game!! LMFAOO Keep up the great work!! Expecting more great things from you!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :D 

Hey, thanks for playing! Why did you gave up on me so easily ? :) Merry Christmas to you too!

LOVED this game, I had a lot of fun with this one. Really good idea very different :)
Fantastically done!!
This did take me far too long to complete because I did it a bit backwards lol and kept getting attacked by those pesky gnomes, for some reason a couple of points throughout they started spawning in where I re spawned and because I was out of chocolate I just died straight away which did make me very nearly rage quit hahah!!! But I got through it in the end :) and I'm very glad I did because it was soooo good!!!

Great work!! Keep it up!! Looking forward to more projects you do :)
Check out my game play :) starts at 23:15 x

I'm so happy you didn't rage quit :) Gnomes spawn killing is completely on me and I actually did fix that issue just before you posted, because I saw people having trouble with that. You did very well, thanks for the awesome video and Merry Christmas !


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Auch ich bin in Weihnachtsstimmung und was passt besser dazu als eine Horror Weihnachtsspiel 😁 Am Anfang habe ich zwar nicht gecheckt, dass man die Treppe nicht wieder hochgehen soll. Aber Spaß hatte ich auf jedenfall.

Wenn du sehen willst ob ich Weihnachten retten konnte oder die Gnome es zerstört haben kannst du dir gerne mein Video reinziehen.

Thank you very much for playing! Du warst fantastisch, Danke Schon !

Great idea! Pretty fun game, I ran into some technical issues though with the game crashing or freezing (mostly if I hit a button too many times). I thought it was fun all in all and a pretty inventive idea putting Santa in that situation instead of just a random character. 

Thank you for playing and kind words!  Sorry you experienced technical problems. Bugs are fixed in the earliest build, thanks to people reporting them.

You made an awesome Christmas game and made some oddly attractive elves. I'm not sure how to feel but I feel something. Thank you for this. 

Thank you so much for playing! Well I was struggling with two options, make them scary and ugly, or creepy and in some weird way cute :) but then decided that my gnomies are just misunderstood and unappreciated and maybe... even have some love left in them. ;)

We enjoyed this game alot! Was longer and more difficult that expected which was awesome! 

Thank you! I feel bad that I didn't made the load game button more obvious :) I do appreciate you sticking to the end and hope you had fun! BTW I really enjoyed the duo commentary.

Merry Gnomemas! Enjoyable little game. 

 Krampus went to half health almost immediately which made him pretty easy to kill. I don't even know what I did! Maybe when he saw my Santa Smolder  he couldn't handle it! 


Thanks for playing and the video! I didn't want Krampus to be super strong :) so I made couple ways to defeat him, you find out the easier way, nice :)

I think I figured out the sociocritical deep plot going on

Wow, you blasted through the game like a pro, very nice! Plot discovery was actually not very very far from truth :D  The lady is indeed "snieguracka" and she will be heavily involved in the next game :) Thank you for playing! 


I had a blast playing this game, I used it for my Christmas Wishes. Thanks for making this. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

I'm so happy you enjoyed it and Merry Christmas to you too!

how to cheer him up in bonus?

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Hold "LMB" or "E" for couple seconds


Very fun, odd and challenging. Here's a vid 

Thanks for playing. I love that you named my mannequin "Philip", I will use that in my other games :)

Thank you for stopping pass the youtube page! I look forward to Philip's return in other games lol


Man this was a great game! I didn't finish it cause i ran out of ammo.  Well made for sure. Third game play.

Appreciate it, thanks for playing !

It's a pretty fun game but can also be annoying/frustrating. Limited ammo with unlimited enemies is always a pain and I think there's a bug when you die in that first room of the gnome building. I ran back in there a couple times and got killed and ended up in a non stop death loop. It was fun for a while though.


Thanks for taking your time and playing. I hope you had fun, even if it was a little frustrating.  The annoying part is in a way intentional,  though I optimized it in the newest build, also there was a load game function. Still you did well and again, thanks!


Last Game I played. Cool Stuff

Thanks for playing man, appreciate it!

I wanna say this first... overall, I really liked this game... most of the issues that I did have was literally due to my own stupidity 😂I think I ran into a glitch where when there is a gnome in the respawn room, and you don't have any more chocolates, then its kind of is an insta death.... I kind of got stuck in a cycle of dying because there was a gnome in there and more of them kept coming in the room and killing me. Again, its literally due to me being me, but I just thought I should mention it to you. Great game though 😃

Thank you very much for playing, Nena!  You got me with the spongebob meme :D and don't worry you were great. It's just if you wander for too long or don't hack the hatchers, it just spawns a lot of gnomes and it gets overwhelming.  I should rework the spawn area to be gnome free :)

loved this! Such a good idea for a game please check out my play through below x 

You were amazing, I'm glad you liked it, thank you so much.

That was a lot of fun and the game looks great! Good job!

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I'm back, i downloaded the new build but the problem is still there "for me" unfortunately, well don't worry, you did a nice job with the game overall, i liked it, here's my video (it freezes at the end, always at that point no matter how many times i tried), have a nice day/evening Jivapeira. P.S I made the Santa's front screenshot that the guy (vocij) used without asking me first :D.

Damn, sorry you experience these things... I have no idea what is going on, the bug was there, but I redone the whole system, tested multiple times... crashing is  related to hardware and I only have one PC setup to test my stuff on. Back to the Dev table I guess:( Anyway ,thank you for feedback!

Don't worry about it :P, Happy Holidays Jivapeira.

Gnome Issues - Full Walkthrough Gameplay (ENDING)

Game's fun for the most part. I wish there was more areas like the house instead of the lab. But beyond that, it's an ok game. FYI, don't do white text on near white. Outline the text if you have to.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thank you very much! Outlines are actually a very good advice. I will improve on the next update and my future projects.

This game was very well made I enjoyed it a lot. The menu was very cool.

I really liked playing this game. It was cute and funny. Why are all the gnomes female? Krampus was a pimp? I thought the game was well made and fun. Perfect timing for the Christmas cheer and fear.

Its the first game in the video.

Hey, thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  There are boy gnomes too, spawning is completely random.

This was so much fun.  No evil gnomes can stop christmas. haha

This was an awesome game! Christmas horror games are something I never even considered and I am so happy I found them XD Thank you for the awesome time!

I hope you enjoy my video!

yo no lie this game looks pretty cool creepy xmas game I like it 

Thank you so much. It's awesome when your work is appreciated.

No problem at all I seen bits and pieces of gameplays of it and that deer part creep me out 

Great game very scary and funny

You did quite well, thanks for playing :)

your welcome good game!!

Thanks to amazing people who reported bugs, I managed to locate and squish them in record time :) Thank you!

Great game you have here. Congrats, man!

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Hi Jivapeira, i like your game and it runs great on my end but 2 bugs stopped me from finishing it and making a video about it, after closing the 2nd gnome hatcher the game freezes (no crash, but this has happened just once), the 2nd bug is the most recurring and game breaking one, sometimes the death scene loops or you die again after the respawn forcing you to alt+f4 because there's nothing that you can do about it, anyway the evil gnomes are soo cute lol, expecially the female ones XD the only thing that they are missing in my opinion are kicks, i made some screenshots :P :D, have a nice day/evening.

Thank you for taking the time to play my game.  Sorry that you experienced issues, besides gnomes :) Nonetheless I appreciate for letting me know about those nasty bugs, I will fix them ASAP.

Just let me know when the next build is up and i will make a video about it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I uploaded fixed version 4 hours from your last post :) Thank you again for reporting, that was a huge help

Amazing game dev :D 

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creepy xmas 2020 damn

Queen I appreciate you so much, but your FPS is terrible :)

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ah yes ..i know-..make error high version ahahah :D but now i hate gnome ahahahh

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You should hate gnomes:) their bad...:) if you need help with recording (OBS) and editing hook me up... i'm not a proffesional, but i could help

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yes know..use alwasy win 10 ..i know make video lot low rec

Queen if you are interested hook me up I see your english is a little broken, but we make this work don't worry

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